The Muslim army left Madinah for Makkah. On the way, other Muslim tribes also joined the army. As the distance to Makkah kept on shortening, the Muslims kept on increasing in number. Islamic historians have mentioned 10th of Ramadan, 8th Hijrah, as the day when the Islamic army reached Makkah. It seems that when the Muslims left Madinah, the month of Ramadan had already started. During the journey, the Muslims observed fast from dawn to dusk eating and drinking nothing in between. When they reached the place of Qadeer (or Ghadeer), the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) instructed the Muslims not to observe fast from then on. Allah had revealed the injunction that Muslims were remitted from observing fast during journeys. From then on, the Muslims resumed their journey without fasting. They then reached "Miraldohran" which was situated at a distance of one "Manzil" from Makkah. The Islamic army encamped there. When the dark of night spread, the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) instructed his soldiers to light their fires to let the Makkans know that the Muslim army had arrived. The Prophet’s (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) uncle, AbbasR.A, who was a renowned merchant of Makkah, perceived that the Quraysh of Makkah would not be able to resist Islam, therefore, he decided to leave Makkah and reached Miraldohran to enter Islam. (Some Islamic historians have written that AbbasR.A had become a Muslim before the conquest of Makkah). Abu Sufyan, like the Prophet’s uncle, also knew that the Makkan army would be swept away before the gigantic Muslim army. In order to judge the situation, he wandered around Miraldohran. The Prophet’s uncle, AbbasR.A, states, "As I was leaving the camping site of the Islamic army, I over-heard two persons in the dark, "These torches you are seeing are, burning in the tents of Banu Khazai". The other replied, "You are mistaken! The Khazai clan is not big enough to light these uncountable numbers of torches. These are the lights of a huge army". I instantly recognised the other voice and called out aloud in the dark, "O Abu Hantalah! (Abu Hantalah was Abu Sufyan’s patronymic) is it you?" Abu Sufyan also recognised me and said, "O Abul-Fazal! Why are you here?" (Abul Fazal was the patronymic of AbbasR.A). When I went to them, Abu Sufyan worriedly inquired, "O Abul Fazal! What is this situation?" I replied, "Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) has arrived accompanied by his ten thousand soldiers to fight Quraysh and take possession of Makkah. As the Quraysh have violated the truce of Hudaybiyyah, massacred the Muslims and allied with Khazai clan, therefore the Makkans can not be spared now. O Abu Sufyan, when the Muslims attack Makkah to conquer it, you will be the first to be beheaded as you are the chief of Makkah and accountability of violating the pact rests with you". Quite bewildered, Abu Sufyan asked, "Then what is to be done?" I replied, "If you wish to live and preserve your wealth and if you do not want to become a war prisoner of the Muslims, you have only one choice. Present yourself before the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) and enter Faith. Only this way you can save your life". When Abu Sufyan kept quiet, I said, "I will take you to the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) of Allah, but stay here till I bring the Prophet’s dromedary for you. You can ride on her and pass through the Muslims tents. Abu Sufyan inquired, "Why should I ride the dromedary?" I said, "As all the Muslims recognise you, and you have caused them much pain, they will be enraged to see you. But if you are riding the Prophet’s dromedary, they will not waylay you as they will think you have been summoned by the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace). Abu Sufyan presented himself before the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) as suggested by AbbasR.A. AbbasR.A says, "When I entered the Prophet’s tent. UmarR.A also followed me. His face was glowering with rage. Pointing to Abu Sufyan, he asked the Prophet: "O Prophet of Allah, allow me to behead him". AbbasR.A immediately interrupted UmarR.A, "You want to behead him for he is among the descendants of Abdul-Manawf. If he had been from the clan Banu of Udi, would you still have wanted to behead him?" (It may be remembered that Banu Udi was the clan of UmarR.A). Umar answered, "Even if my tribesmen betray the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), I will behead them all! I am friend only to those who are friends of the Prophet of Allah and enemy to those who are against him. AbbasR.A says, "Then the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) addressed me; "O uncle, take Abu Sufyan with you to your tent for tonight. Bring him to me tomorrow morning" I obeyed and took Abu Sufyan to my tent where he spent a restless night. The next morning when we appeared before the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace). He said to him "Has not the time come that you bow to the Oneness of Allah and acknowledge me as his Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace)?" Abu Sufyan replied, "O Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), I affirm that you are an honest person, your clemency is well known, but I know not of your Prophethood". AbbasR.A instantly interrupted Abu Sufyan: "O Abu Hantalah, at one hand you have been treacherous and on the other you are arguing. Do not you know what is done to a deceitful person? Do not we behead such a person? If you do not seek refuge under Islam, you will be responsible for your own death". Hearing this, Abu Sufyan bowed his head and consented to enter Faith. Afterwards, the Prophet of Allah counselled with Muslim sages, including Abu Sufyan, about how Makkah should be entered. To retain dignity and honour of Abu Sufyan before the Makkans, the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) issued two injunctions. One, that the Muslim army would march past Abu Sufyan giving him the guard of honour. Those who sought refuge in Abu Sufyan’s house would be protected and their property would be safe. The Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) sent Abu Sufyan to Makkah to deliver the following message to the people: |
Abu Sufyan who was a fat man, rode the camel straight to Makkah. The Islamic army moved on towards Makkah. Before reaching there, they captured the neighbouring areas without any bloodshed. On reaching Makkah, Abu Sufyan made straight to the Holy Ka’bah and after narrating the facts added, "The Islamic army has arrived with the intention of entering Makkah. We have neither the power nor courage to face the Muslims. However, the Prophet of Islam has announced that whosoever takes refuge in the Holy Ka’bah or stays at Abu Sufyan’s house will be safe. But those who cannot reach the Holy Ka’bah or are unable to take refuge in my house may stay in their houses and be assured that no harm will come to their life or property". Abu Sufyan‘s wife Hind became furious on hearing this and shrieked, "Kill this fat-load. He has deceived us. Instead of leading his people to battle as the Marshal of Makkah, he is advising them to hide in their houses! Coward!" When no body raised hands to him, she burst with rage and fell upon her husband trying to tear his face, but people came in the way and her hand could not reach Abu Sufyan. The town-criers of the Islamic army entered Makkah and repeated what Abu Sufyan had said. Those who were in the streets quickly entered the sanctum of the Holy Ka’bah or rushed to Abu Sufyan’s house. The others remained inside their houses and shut their doors and windows. The streets of Makkah became desolate. An uneasy silence prevailed while the Makkans impatiently waited for the coming moments. The first contingent entering Makkah was waving the distinct flag of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) of Islam. Accompanied by his companions, AliR.A made straight to the Holy Ka’bah and stopped there. They entered from the main gate of Makkah. The second contingent of the Muslim army led by Zubayr bin Awwam entered Makkah from the western side. Saad bin Ubaydah was leading the third contingent, which entered from the eastern side. Khalid bin Walid led the fourth contingent. He was to enter Makkah from the south. The Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) had instructed his four commanders that while entering the city with their respective armies, they were not to unsheathe their swords nor to attack anyone unless attacked. They were not to forget that the Makkans had been granted refuge in the Holy Ka’bah, Abu Sufyan‘s house and in their own homes. When Saad bin Ubaydah entered Makkah, he could not restrain himself and proclaimed, "Today is the day of attack not sanctum. When this news reached the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), he immediately withdrew Saad from leadership and gave the charge to AliR.A. All the Islamic contingents entered Makkah without facing any resistance. The contingent led by Khalid bin Walid faced resistance by some people of the clan of Ahabesh. He warned the attackers not to waste their blood in vain, as their resistance was too frail to stop the Muslims from entering Makkah. But these people ignoring Khalid bin Walid’s words unsheathed their swords and attacked. The next moment fifteen people fell down dead. Two of these belonged to the Muslim army and the rest to the clan of Ahabesh. The remaining people felt defenceless against the Muslims and took to their heels. When the four contingents entering Makkah from the corners reached the Holy Ka’bah, the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) came out riding a white dromedary and circumambulated the Holy Ka’bah seven times. He then directed the key-bearer of Holy Ka’bah, UthmanR.A bin Talha, to open the gates of Holy Ka’bah. UthmanR.A bin Talha’s mother was standing beside her son. She said angrily, "We will not open this gate". But UthmanR.A bin Talha reasoned with her and opened the gate of Holy Ka’bah. That day, five persons stepped into the House of Allah. The Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) entered first. He was followed by AliR.A - the Prophet’s son-in-law; followed by UthmanR.A - an illustrious Muslim and the Black BilalR.A - Islam’s famous Moazzan or prayer-caller. The fifth was the key-bearer of Holy Ka’bah - UthmanR.A bin Talha. When Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) entered the Holy Ka’bah, the Makkans who had come there for refuge, froze in fear. They feared that they might be beheaded, their lands confiscated and their women enslaved. It is imperative to note that when the Makkans violated the promise, they had made with the Muslims, they were declared "Harbi Kafir". Unbelievers who fight against the Muslims were called Harbi Kafir. In addition, some Makkans, aided by the people of Ahabesh had attacked a Muslim contingent and killed two people. According to the prevalent laws, the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) reserved the right either to kill all the menfolk of the city or to enslave them, but the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) had promised clemency. He (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) openly pardoned all the people of Makkah. |