The original Names and Terms, which are understood all over the Muslim World have been retained un-translated here. These are explained below so as to facilitate the reader.
Adaa | On-time execution of Salaat |
Arkaan | Essential points or acts |
At-tahiyaat | The Salutation to Allah |
Azan | The call for Salaat |
Chaasht | Time (for non-obligatory Salaat) before Noon |
Daleel Qat-i. | Solid proof of argument |
Daleel Zanni | Logical proof by reasoning |
Dhikr | Remembrance of Allah |
Durood | Seeking blessings of Allah on the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) |
Eid | Muslim religious festival |
Eid Khutba | Eid Sermon |
Faasiq | Evil-Doer |
Reward | Credit |
Fajar-e-Awwal | Earliest sign of dawn before sun-rise |
Fardh | Obligatory religious practices |
Fardh Kifaayah | Collectively obligatory (that which if fulfilled by a part of the community absolves the rest) |
Haraam | Forbidden, religiously un-lawful |
Imam | Any Muslim fit who leads the Salaat |
Iqaamat | Recited call just before Salaat, alerts Congregants |
Iqtida | Following Imams movements |
Istighfaar | Seeking forgiveness of Allah |
Istiqbale Qiblah | Facing Kaaba in Makkah |
Jalsah | Halting in between two prostrations |
Jamaat | Congregation of two or more persons, congregational Salaat |
Juma | Friday congregation |
Kafir | Non-believer |
Kalima | The pure Kalima, assertion of the oneness of Allah |
Khutba | Sermon |
Makrooh | Disliked (action) |
Makrooh Tanzihi | More un-desirable |
Makrooh Tehrimi | Most un-desirable |
Mareedh | Ill, patient |
Mayyit | The dead body |
Mubaah | Acceptable, allowable |
Musaafir | Traveller |
Musallaa | Salaat mat |
Musbooq | Congregant who has missed initial Rakaat (s) |
Mustahab | Acts preferred by the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) and his companions |
Na-baaligh | Any child who has not attained puberty |
Nafil | Non-obligatory, optional |
Namazi | The congregant, anyone or everyone participating in Salaat |
Qadah | Religious practice performed after due time |
Qauma | Standing posture, after bowing, during Salaat |
Qiblah | Direction of Kaaba |
Qiraat | Recitation of Holy Quran |
Qiyaam | Standing posture in the Salaat |
Rafa Yadain | Raising both hands up to ears and saying "Allaho Akbar" |
Rakaat | A unit of Salaat, comprising Qiyaam, one Ruku and two Sajdas |
Ruku | Posture of Salaat bowing horizontally with hands on knees |
R.A. | Radhi-Allah-Anho (may Allah reward him) |
Sajda | Prostration (especially in Salaat) |
Salaat | Islamic way of worshipping Allah |
Sana | Praise of Allah at start of Salaat |
Sunnat | Practice or saying of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) |
Sunnatul Ghair Muaq Qadah | Prayers prescribed by the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) may or may not be offered |
Sunnatul Muaq-Qadah | Prayers prescribed by the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace). Non-offering is a sin |
Sunnatuz-Zaa-idah | Supplementary Salaat (no sin if not offered) |
Tahmeed | Recitation of words in praise of Allah viz. Surah Fatiha |
Tahyatul Masjid | Two Rakaats of prayers immediately on entering mosque before sitting |
Takbeer Tahreemah | Recitation of words Allaho-Akbar (Allah is Greatest) |
Talawat | Recitation of the Holy Quran |
Tarteeb | Order of precedence as prescribed |
Tashah-hud | Affirmation statement "Muhammad is Allahs Prophet" in sitting posture before end of Salaat |
Tasleem | Acceptance |
Tauba | Seeking forgiveness of sins from Allah |
Tawaf-e-Ka'aba | Circumambulation of Kaaba |
Tayammum | System of ablution when no water is available |
Zakat | Obligatory charity payable on wealth |
Zawal | Decline, declining suns position after crossing zenith |