This means the performance of two additional Sajood (Prostrations) in
order to compensate for a defect. The defect or fault must have been committed by error -
by mistake, not intentionally. If the defect was caused intentionally, Sajda-us-Sahw can
be performed.
If one or more of the Wajib constituent parts of Namazi were not
fulfilled or carried out by error, Sajda-us-Sahw must be performed.
The Method of Performing
After reciting only Tashah-hud in Qadah Akhirah, recite:

(Assalamo-Alakum Wa-Rahmatullah)
and turn the head towards the right.
- Only this is done once, Salaam is made
After making this one Salaam perform two Sajdas as usual, sit in
Qadah and complete the Salaat as usual, i.e. recite Tashah-hud, Durood, and Dua and
make Tasleem (Salaam).
If the Namazi, in error, performs the two Sajdas of Sahw before making
the one required Salaam, the obligation of Sajda-us-Sahw is discharged and the Salaat is
in order.
- If, in error, the Namazi performed two Ruku or three Sajdas, he must then perform
If during the process of Salaat, the Namazi pauses to think about what
should be recited and if the duration of this pause is three or four seconds he must
perform Sajda-us-Sahw.
- In Qadah Ula (first sitting posture) of a four Rakaat or three Rakaat
Fardh Salaat, the Namazi by error recited Tashah-hud twice, he must perform Sajda-us-Sahw.
After Tashah-hud in Qadah Ula of a three or four Rakaat
Fardh Salaat the Namazi, by mistake started to recite the Durood, if he recited the Durood
as much as part one or more, the performance of Sajda-us-Sahw is compulsory.
However, if he recited less than the first part of Durood then it
occurred to him that this is the Qadah Ula, Sajda-us-Sahw is not to be performed in
this case.
- If Tashah-hud is recited twice by error in any Salaat, Sajda-us-Sahw has to be
If the Namazi forgets to sit in Qadah Ula of a three or four
Rakaat Fardh Salaat, and remembers so before raising his knees, he should
immediately return to the Qadah position. In this case no Sajda-us-Sahw is to be
However, if the Namazi has already taken up the Qiyaam posture then he
should not return to the Qadah position, but should complete his Salaat, and perform
Sajda-us-Sahw at the end of last Rakaat.
A Namazi Performs a 3 or
4-Rakaat Fardh Salaat and Forgets to Sit in Qadah Akhirah
While rising if he recalls the error he should sit immediately and
complete the Salaat. No Sajda-us-Sahw is to be performed in this case, if knees have not
left the ground.
If the error is recalled by the Namazi after he entered into the Qiyaam
position, he should return to the Qadah position as long as he did not complete this
extra Rakaat. After assuming the Qadah position, the Salaat should be
completed, but Sajda-us-Sahw has to be performed in this case.
The error is recalled only after completion of the extra Rakaat.
In this case, if the Namazi is performing a three-Rakaat Fardh Salaat, he should
complete the Salaat after this extra fourth Rakaat. No Sajda-us-Sahw is performed in
this case. However, the fourth Rakaat thus performed become Nafil.
If the Namazi is performing a four Rakaat Fardh Salaat, the extra
Rakaat will be the fifth. He should add another Rakaat making a total of six
Rakaats. In this case Sajda-us-Sahw has to be performed. The six Rakaats thus
performed become Nafil as well. The Fardh Salaat has to be repeated.
A Namazi sits in Qadah Akhirah, recites Tashah-hud but rises into
the fifth Rakaat thinking it to be the Qadah Ula. As long as this extra
Rakaat is not completed the Namazi should return to the Qadah, and complete
the Salaat. Sajda-us-Sahw is necessary in this case.
If the extra Rakaat has been completed then:
If the Salaat is a three-Rakaat Fardh, it (the Salaat) should
be completed after this extra (fourth) Rakaat and Sajda-us-Sahw must be performed.
The four Rakaats become Nafil. The Fardh has to be repeated.
If the Salaat is a four-Rakaat Fardh, the extra Rakaat
will be the fifth Rakaat. A sixth Rakaat should be added, and the Salaat is
completed on the sixth Rakaat. Sajda-us-Sahw is to be performed in this case. Four
Rakaat are regarded as the Fardh Salaat and two Rakaat become Nafil. The Fardh
Salaat is not to be repeated in this case.
- The Rakaat will be considered completed once the head touches the ground in the
first Sajda of the Rakaat.
If the Namazi forgets to sit in the First Qadah during a
four-Rakaat Nafil Salaat, he should return to the Qadah as long as the third
Rakaat has not been completed. Sajda-us-Sahw must be made after the fourth
Rakaat. If the Namazi did not return to the Qadah, but completed the third
Rakaat, then, too, Sajda-us-Sahw must be made at the end of the Salaat.
Doubt Regarding the Number of Rakaats
During the course of performing Salaat, the doubt in number of
Rakaats he has performed, i.e. whether he has performed three or four Rakaats.
- If the Namazi is not in the habit of doubting the number of Rakaats i.e. such
doubts are not common to him, then he should re-offer the Salaat afresh.
- If such doubts are common to the Namazi, then in this case he must ponder into the
number of Rakaats he has performed and accept the verdict given by his mind. If he
is able to conclude that he had performed two, three or four Rakaats, he should
accept this conclusion. No Sajda-us-Sahw is necessary in this case.
- If the Namazi is unable to arrive at any decision, then in such a case he should opt for
the lesser number i.e., if the doubt is between two and three Rakaats, he shall
consider that he has performed only two Rakaats: if the doubt is between three and
four, three shall be considered as the number already performed; if the doubt is between
one and two Rakaats, one Rakaat shall be considered. And, in all these
instances the Namazi shall sit in Qadah and recite Tashah-hud in each Rakaat
of the Salaat.
- If, after completion of the Salaat, a doubt arise in the Namazis mind as to the
number of Rakaats performed, then he should not accord any consideration to this
doubt. The Salaat has been discharged in order. However, if the Namazi, after completing
the Salaat recalls with certainty, that he had performed, for example, only three
Rakaats instead of four, then he should rise and perform another Rakaat, and
make Sajda-us-Sahw. But if the Namazi spoke or turned away his chest from the Qiblah or
indulged in any act, which nullifies Salaat, the Salaat shall have to be repeated. In this
case he cannot perform one additional Rakaat.
- If a doubt as to the number of Rakaats occurs after reciting Tashah-hud in the
final Rakaat, then too, such doubt is to be discounted the Salaat is valid in this
Number of Errors and Sajda-us-Sahw
If during the performance of Salaat, the Namazi committed several such
mistakes, which necessitate Sajda-us-Sahw, then only one Sajda-us-Sahw is to be made for
all the errors committed. In one Salaat, Sajda-us-Sahw is not performed twice.
After making Sajda-us-Sahw, the Namazi again made such a mistake, which
necessitate Sajda-us-Sahw. In this case another Sajda-us-Sahw is not performed. The
Sajda-us-Sahw performed the first time suffices for the error committed thereafter.
The Namazi committed a mistake, which necessitates Sajda-us-Sahw, but
he completed his Salaat, forgetting to make the required Sajda-us-Sahw. The omitted
Sajda-us-Sahw should, in this case, be made even after termination of the Salaat as long
as the Namazi did not indulge in any act, which nullifies Salaat. If any such act was
committed, the Sajda-us-Sahw cannot be performed. The Salaat must be repeated.
In the first or second Rakaat of Witr Salaat the Namazi recited,
in error, Qunoot. He shall still have to recite Qunoot in the third Rakaat and
Sajda-us-Sahw must be performed.
While performing Witr Salaat the Namazi is unable to decide whether he
is performing his second or third Rakaat. In this case he should consider his
present Rakaat as the second Rakaat but he must recite Qunoot in this
"second" Rakaat as well as the following third Rakaat. Sajda-us-Sahw
should be performed in this case.
It is not permissible to make Sajda-us-Sahw if the Namazi deliberately
omits any of the Wajib acts. In such a case the entire Salaat will have to be repeated.