Check How You Perform Your Salaat
(You May Have Been Offering It Wrong)

If one checks the faithful offering Salaat in a mosque it won’t be hard to find "that in Ruku some merely bend their backs up to 45 degree, while others make a semi-circle. This practice is not according to Sunnah. After Ruku and before Sajda one must stand erect and pause for reciting.

(Sami-allahu Liman Hamidah)

Oh Allah! Glory unto my Creator, the Majestic

(Rab-banaa La-kal Hamd)

Oh our Creator! All Praise belongs unto you

This position and pause is termed as ‘Qauma‘. It is a Wajib and must not be shortened or ignored. Many faithful complete this Wajib by a short jerky movement of their head. This practice is not correct, the faithful must stand erect for a short time.

In Sajda they lift their head slightly and place it rapidly back on the ground for the second Sajda. This practice is also wrong. The Holy Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) has described this omission with his displeasure. After first Sajda sit with straight back for a moment. This position and posture (jalsah), is Wajib. While going to Sajda many Namazi place their hands on the ground first and then their knees, this practice is not according to Sunnah. The knees should touch the ground first then the hands and lastly the forehead.

Straightening of clothes with both hands is strictly forbidden and breaks continuity of Salaat. If essential, only one hand at a time may be used. Raising both feet while bending for prostration is also wrong. While going in Sajda, do not take help from hands unless it is absolutely necessary because of health. Ensure bodies of the toes keep touching the ground during Sajda.

Questions Pertaining to Salaat

  1. After Surah Fatiha, the Namazi should recite at least three verses of the Holy Qur’an or one such verse, which is equal in length to three short verses.
  2. After Ruku if the Namazi rose slightly, but did not go into the Qauma position, then he should repeat his Salaat.
  3. If, after one Sajda the Namazi merely lifted his body slightly without sitting in the Jalsah, and then went into the second Sajda - then only one Sajda has been performed. The whole Salaat is thus nullified and has to be repeated.
  4. In a three and four-Raka’at Fardh Salaat it is Wajib to add some verses of the Qur’an after Surah Fatiha in only the first two Raka’ats. However, if a Surah is added to Surah Fatiha in the third as well as fourth Raka’at, the Salaat will be valid.
  5. If in the third and fourth Raka’at of a Fardh Salaat the Namazi recites only


    All glory to Allah

    thrice without even reciting Surah Fatiha, the Salaat is valid and in order, However, it is better to recite Surah Fatiha in the third and fourth Raka’at as well.

In the third and fourth Raka’at of a Fardh Salaat, if the Namazi maintains silence i.e. he does not recite anything, the Salaat is valid and in order, but his Qiyaam must be equal to at least the time taken to recite thrice:-


    All glory to Allah

  1. A female should recite everything of her Salaat silently in such a manner that only she, herself, is able to hear her voice.
  2. A male, if performing Salaat alone, has the choice of reciting the Qiraat aloud or silently. However, he may recite the Qiraat aloud in only the following Salaat’s:
  1. In both Raka’ats of Fajr.
  2. In the first two Raka’ats of Maghrib and Ishaa Salaat.
  1. It is Sunnat to maintain the length of the Qiraat of the first Raka’at slightly longer than the Qiraat of the second Raka’at.
  2. It is Mustahab to fix one’s gaze during Qiyaam on the spot which will be touched by the head in Sajda; during Ruku on the feet; during Sajda on the nose; during Qad’ah and Jalsah on the lap; and whilst making the Salaams, on the shoulders.
  3. The Namazi should endeavour to withhold any urge to yawn. However, if he is unable to restrain himself, he should cover his mouth with the back of his hand. He should restrain himself as well from coughing and clearing his throat.
  4. It is Wajib upon the Namazi to learn sufficient Tajweed so as to recite the Qur’an correctly.
  5. If the same Surah is recited in both Raka’ats, the Salaat is valid. However, the Namazi should not recite the same Surah in both Raka’at unnecessarily.
  6. During the Qiraat, the Namazi should not recite in the second Raka’at a Surah or verses which are anterior (coming first) to the Surah or verses recited in the first Raka’at. The Surah or verses recited in the second Raka’at should be posterior (coming after) to those recited in the first Raka’at.

It is Wajib to recite both Surah Fatiha plus a Surah or some verses of the Qur’an in every Raka’at of Witr, Sunnat and Nafil Salaat.

Congregational Salaat

This sketch shows Congregants standing in line behind Imam

Conditions For The Validity Of Jama’at

  1. Islam, i.e. The Namazi must be a Muslim.
  2. Aaqil, i.e. The Namazi must be sane and sober.
  3. Intention of Iqtida. The Namazi must, together with his Intention for Salaat intend that he is performing Salaat behind the Imam.
  4. It-tihaade makaan. The place of the Imam and Namazi should be the same.
  5. If the distance between the Imam and the Namazi is so much that two rows of Namazi could be accommodated, the place of the Imam and Namazi will not be considered as being the same, and the Jama’at will not be valid. The distance between Imam and Namazi should not be so great that two rows of worshippers could be accommodated in the intervening space (between Imam and Namazi).
  6. Validity of Imam’s Salaat
  7. The Namazi must not be in front of the Imam.
  8. Association in the Arkaan of Salaat.
  9. Equivalence of State of Imam and Namazi.

For the Salaat of the Congregation to be valid it is necessary that the Salaat of the Imam be valid. If for some reason the Salaat of the Imam becomes null, the Salaat of the Jama’at will like wise be nullified.

If the heels of the Namazi are ahead of the heels of the Imam it will be considered that the Namazi is in front of the Imam, and the Jama’at will not be valid, i.e. the Salaat of the Namazi will not be valid.

Besides the Qiraat, the Namazi should closely follow the Imam in all the postures of Salaat. The Namazi should fulfil the various postures of Salaat either with the Imam or immediately after the Imam, e.g. the Namazi enters Ruku, Sajda, etc. together with the Imam or he enters these positions after the Imam had entered them.

Should the Namazi enter any posture before the Imam, he (Namazi) should remain in that position until the Imam also obtains that position.

Once the Imam has entered that position and the Namazi is still holding the same posture, the condition of Association is fulfilled; e.g. the Namazi went into Ruku before the Imam. For the validity of the Congregant's Salaat it is necessary that he prolong his Ruku until the Imam meets up with him.

The state of the Namazi should either be lesser or equal to that of the Imam. The state of the Namazi must not be ahead than that of the Imam.


  1. One who cannot recite the Qur’an properly can follow an Imam who does not recite correctly.

  2. One who is able to recite correctly cannot follow an Imam whose recitation is incorrect.

  3. Males cannot follow a female Imam.

  4. The Imam cannot be one who has not yet attained the age of puberty if the Namazi are of age.

  5. One who performs a Nafil Salaat can join the Imam who is performing a compulsory Salaat.

  6. One who performs a compulsory Salaat cannot become the Namazi of one who is performing a  Nafil or Sunnat Salaat.

  7. If the Namazi is in the state of purity he cannot perform Salaat behind an imam who is described as a sick.

  8. The Namazi cannot intend performance of a Fardh Salaat other than the Fardh performed by the Imam.

Congregants are standing in a line while performing Salaat (Right Order)

Congregants are not standing in a line while performing Salaat (Wrong Order)

The Imam should not be a person upon whom it is necessary to perform Salaat alone, e.g. a Musbooq (who is a congregant or Namazi who joined the Jama’at after one or more Raka’ats (which he had missed) after completion of the Imam’s Salaat. It is not permissible to become a Namazi of the Musbooq.

Questions Pertaining to Congregational Salaat

  • Congregation is a condition for Juma (Friday), and Eid Salaat. These Salaats are not valid if performed individually. They must be performed in congregation.

  • Congregation for the five daily Salaat is Wajib (compulsory). It could therefore not be discarded without valid reason.

  • Congregation for Taraaweeh Salaat is Sunnatul Muaq Qad’ah.

  • Congregation for Salaat ul Kasoof (Salaat performed at the time of the eclipse of the sun) is Sunnatul Muaq Qad’ah.

  • Congregation for the Witr of Ramadan is Mustahab.

  • The Musbooq

    The Musbooq is the late-comer who joins the Congregation after a Raka’at or more has been performed.

    1. The Musbooq should merely follow the Imam and complete the Raka’ats which he had missed, after the Congregation has ended. After the Imam makes both Salaams, the Musbooq should rise and perform the Raka’ats which he had missed in numerical order: i.e. when he rises to fulfil his Salaat he should perform firstly Raka’at number one, then number two and so on.

    2. The Musbooq should recite Qiraat, in those Raka’ats in which the Imam recited, viz. the first two Raka’ats.

    3. With regard to Qad’ah, the Musbooq must include in his calculation of "every two Raka’ats " the Raka’ats performed with the Imam.

    4. If the Musbooq, while fulfilling his missed Raka’ats makes some mistake regarding the Wajib factors of Salaat then he must rectify the error with Sajda-us-Sahw.

    Questions Pertaining to Joining Congregation

    1. Should one reach the Mosque of one’s locality at a time when the Congregation Salaat had been completed, it is Mustahab then to go to another Mosque in order to perform the Salaat in congregation. Alternatively one may return home and perform the Salaat in Congregation in the company of one’s housefolk.

    2. If, after one has already performed Fardh Salaat, one happens to be at a place where that very same Salaat is being performed in Congregation, one should join the Congregation if Zuhr or Ishaa is being performed. However, if Fajr, Asr or Maghrib is being performed one must abstain.

    3. Commencement of the Congregational Salaat while one is performing the very same Fardh alone.

    4. After one has already started to offer one’s Fardh Salaat, one finds that the same Salaat is being performed in congregation. In this case several Rules apply as follows:

    5. If it is a Two Raka’at Fardh (the Fardh of Fajr) terminate the Salaat immediately if the Sajda of the first Raka’at has not yet been made, and join the congregation. If the Sajda of the first Raka’at has been made then complete both Raka’ats and thereafter do not join the Jama’at.
    6. If it is a Three-Raka’at Fardh (i.e. Maghrib), then end the Salaat as long as the Sajda of the second Raka’at has not yet been made, and join the Jama’at. If the Sahda of the second Raka’at has already been made, then complete the Salaat and do not join the congregation.
    7. If it is the Four-Raka’at Fardh of either Zuhr or Ishaa then
      1. End the Salaat if the Sajda of the first Raka’at has not been made, and join the Jama’at.
      2. If Sajda of the second Raka’at has been made then complete the performance of Two Raka’ats and join the Jama’at.
      3. If the third Raka’at was commenced but its Sajda had not yet been made then terminate the Salaat forthwith and join the Jama’at. If the Sajda has been made then complete the four Raka’ats and join the Jama’at.
      4. If it is the Four Raka’ats Fardh of Asr then
      5. End the Salaat if the Sajda of the first Raka’at has not yet been made, and join the Jama’at.
      6. If the Sajda of the second Raka’at has already been made then complete two Raka’ats and join the Jama’at.
      7. If the third Raka’at was commenced but its Sajda had not yet been made then terminate the Salaat forthwith and join the Jama’at. If the Sajda has been made then complete the four Raka’ats and do NOT join the Jama’at.

    The manner in which to end the Salaat is to make a single Salaam while standing, i.e. say "Assala-mu-alaikum warah-ma-tullaah", and turn the head towards the right.

    If, after one has started with Nafil Salaat the congregational Fardh Salaat commences, one should complete two Raka’at although an Intention for four Raka’ats was made.

    If, after having started with the four Raka’ats Sunnatul Muaq Qad’ah of Zuhr, the Fardh in congregation commences, one should complete the four Raka’ats and then join the Jama’at.

    Once the Jama’at is in progress one should not commence with Sunnat and Nafil Salaat. However, with regard to the Sunnats of Fajr, it should be performed if one is confident that one will be able to join the Fardh Jama’at after completion of the two Sunnats. If one feels that engagement in the two Sunnats will cause one to miss the Fardh which is being performed in Jama’at then one should omit the Sunnats and join the Jama’at. In this instance it is preferable to make Qad’ah of the missed two Raka’ats Sunnatul Muaq Qad’ah of Fajr provided it is done after sunrise, but before midday (Zawal).

    If one fears that by observing all the Sunnat and Mustahab factors in the two Raka’ats Sunnatul Muaq Qad’ah of Fajr the Jama’at will be missed, then the Salaat should be performed observing only the Fardh and Wajib factors.

    The two Raka’ats Sunnatul Muaq Qad’ah of Fajr, which one intends performing after the congregation has already started, should be performed outside the confines of the Mosque. If such a place is not available then it should be performed behind some pillar in the Mosque or in a remote corner - furthest from the congregation. It is Makrooh Tehrimi to perform any Salaat in a place where the Fardh Salaat is being performed in Jama’at.

    Questions Pertaining to the Namazi and Imam

    The appointed Imam of a Mosque enjoys the priority right to lead the congregational Salaat in the Mosque. In his presence no one is entitled to lead the Salaat without his consent.

    It is compulsory (Wajib) for the Muqtadees (Congregants) to perform in accordance with the Imam in all Wajib and Fardh factors of the Salaat. It is not Wajib for the Congregants to act in accordance with the Imam in the observance of the Sunnat and Mustahab factors. Hence, if the Imam happens to be a Shafi, it is not necesqary for the Hanafi Muqtadees to follow him in the observance of Rafa Yadain (raising the hands to the ears during the course of Salaat). Similarly it is not necessary for the Hanafi Namazi to recite Dua-e-Qunoot in the Ishaa Salaat when the Shafi Imam does so.

    If there happens to be only one Namazi, he should stand slightly behind him (not in line with him).

    If, after the Jama’at started with a single Namazi, more Congregants enter, the first Namazi should move to the rear of the Imam so that a row of Congregants is formed behind the Imam. However, if the Muqtadees are not aware of the relevant rules for Namazi (as is generally the case nowadays), the Imam himself should move forward so that a row of Congregants is formed behind him.

    Children, who have not yet reached the age of puberty, should form their rows behind the men.

    It is Makrooh to form a second row when space is available in the first row.

    The Types of Namazi

    There are three types of Namazi (a person who performs Salaat) in congregation viz.

    Mudrik, Laahiq, Musbooq.

    Mudrik is a congregant who joined the Congregation from the beginning and remained until the completion of the Salaat.

    Laahiq is one who missed a Raka’at or less for some reason after having joined the Congregation.

    Musbooq is a congregant who joined the Congregation after having missed a Raka’at or more.

    The Laahiq

    If, after joining the Congregation one’s Ablution broke, it will be permissible to leave the congregation, make Ablution anew and join in the Congregation again. In the interval in which the Laahiq leaves the congregation it is not permissible for him to talk or do any such act, which nullifies Salaat.

    The Laahiq, with regard to the Raka’at which he has missed, will be considered as the Mudrik. Therefore, like the Mudrik does not recite Qiraat, so the Laahiq, too, will not recite Qiraat but will remain standing (in Qiyaam) silently. Also, like the Mudrik who makes an error and will not perform Sajda-us-Sahw, so the Laahiq, too, will not perform Sajda-us-Sahw for any error or omission of the Wajib acts.

    The Laahiq, upon rejoining the Congregation must firstly fulfil the Raka’at which have been missed and if after completing the missed Raka’ats the Congregation is still in progress, he should unite with it (the Jama’at). If, after fulfilling his missed Raka’at the Congregation has ended its Salaat, he (the Laahiq) should complete his Salaat alone.

  • For example: A Muqtadee’s Ablution broke during the second Raka’at. He therefore, leaves the Congregation and renews his Ablution. On returning, he finds the Imam in the last Raka’at. What should he now do?

  • He should join the Jama’at (stand in the row) and perform firstly the Raka’ats which he has missed. He must not join the Imam in whatever posture he may be in. In this example his Ablution broke during the second Raka’at, hence this Namazi (the Laahiq) should proceed to read the second, third and fourth Raka’at without reciting any Qiraat in the Raka’ats he is thus making. In this example it is obvious that he will not be able to link up with the Imam since he (the Laahiq) has yet three Raka’ats to make while the Imam is in the last Raka’at. In this case the Laahiq merely completes the three Raka’ats missed.

  • However, if in some case the Laahiq after fulfilling his missed Raka’ats manages to link up with the Imam then he shall complete his Salaat with the Imam.