Sunnate Muaq Qadah | 4 |
Fardh |
2 |
Sunnate Muaq Qadah |
4 |
Sunnate Muaq Qadah | 2 |
Nafil | 2 |
Qadah with regard to Salaat, means to fulfil or perform a Salaat after expiry of the time of that Salaat.
If a Fardh Salaat has not been performed and its time has expired, it is obligatory to make Qadah of that Salaat without any delay. To delay in performing the Qadah Salaat is also a sin.
It should be remembered that the Shariah (Law of Allah) never waives the obligation of the Fardh Salaat. No amount of repentance can secure exemption from Salaat, which have not been performed in the past. Even a lifetime of Fardh Salaat not performed must be fulfilled by means of Qadah.
Questions Pertaining to Qadah
"I am making Qadah of Fajar Salaat - or Zuhr Salaat" as the case may be.
If it is not stipulated in the Intention which Qadah is being performed, the Qadah will not be valid.
Salaat ul Musaafir (Traveller)
A Musaafir (traveller) in the terminology of the Shariah is one who undertakes a journey of forty-eight miles (80km) with the express intention of travelling. The Shariah bestows certain concessions on the Musaafir, and with regard to Salaat. These concessions are:
As long as one enjoys sufficient health or strength, the Salaat shall be performed standing. However, if due to illness the Namazi finds that he is not able to stand and perform Salaat then he must sit and perform it. If he is unable to even sit and perform his Salaat, he may lie down and discharge the obligation of Salaat.
Tahyatul Wudu (Salutation for Ablution)
Tahyatul Wudu consists of two Rakaats and is performed after the Wudu has been made. The Hadith has stated much significance of this Salaat. However, one should be careful that this Salaat is not performed at a Makrooh time, as no Salaat is permissible in the Makrooh (un-desirable time) timings.
Tahyatul Masjid (Salutation for Mosque)
Tahyatul Mosque is the Salaat, which is performed to honour Allah upon entering His House, viz., the Mosque. Tahyatul Masjid consists of two Rakaats, which is usually performed upon entering the Mosque and before sitting down. The Holy Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) ordered that two Rakaats Salaat be performed upon entering the Mosque and before sitting down. This Salaat is thus Sunnat.
If one enters the Mosque and it happens to be a Makrooh time then recite only the following (4 times):
(Allahu-akbar Allahu-akbar Laa-ilaaha Il-lal-laa-hu Wal-laa-hu Akbar Allahu Akbar Wa-lil-laa-hil Hamd.)
Allah is great. Allah is great. There is no one worthy of worship besides Allah and Allah is Greatest and all praises is for Allah.
After having recited this, recite Durood.
Intention for this Salaat is to intend the performance of Tahyatul Masjid. As has been mentioned before, Intention is the intention of the heart.
Salaat Ishraaq is performed about fifteen minutes after qunrise. Regarding this Salaat, the Holy Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said:
"He who performs Fajar Salaat with jamaat and remains seated in the same place engaged in Dhikr until after sunrise and thereafter performs two Rakaats Nafil Salaat, will obtain the Reward of one Hajj and one Umrah".
Although the best way to perform Ishraaq is as described in the above-mentioned Hadith, nevertheless, the Ishraaq Salaat will also be discharged if one did not remain in continuous Ibaadat after Fajar Salaat. Where the Ishraaq is performed after having engaged in some other activity, the Reward, however, will be less.
The Hadith (sayings of the Holy Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace) explains great significance of Salaat ul Dhuha. The time for this Salaat commences after one-third of the day has passed. Its time remains until Zawal. Salaat ul Dhuha consists of up to twelve Rakaats. One may perform two, four, six, eight, ten or twelve Rakaats.
AyeshaR.A (wife of the Holy Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace) used to perform eight Rakaats Salaat ul Dhuha. She said that even if her parents arose from the grave, she would not leave Salaat ul Dhuha to go and meet them. From this emphasis the importance of this Salaat is evident.
The Nafil Salaat performed after Maghrib Salaat is called "Salaat ul Awaabeen". The minimum number of Rakaats of this Salaat is six Rakaats and the maximum number is twenty Rakaats. It is better to perform it in two Rakaat units. The Holy Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said that whoever performs six Rakaats after Maghrib will have his/her sins forgiven even if such sins are as much as the foam on the ocean.
Of all the Nafil Salaats, the greatest in rank is the "Salaat ul Tahajjud". The Hadith speak much about the great significance of this Salaat. The time of Tahajjud is greatly efficacious for the acceptance of Dua. This Salaat is commended in the Holy Qur'an.
Salaat ul Tahajjud is performed in the latter part of the night. After having gone to bed one should rise late in the night and engage in this wonderful Dhikr, which has always been the practice of the great and pious people. The minimum number of Rakaats in Tahajjud is four and the maximum is twelve Rakaats. This Salaat can also be performed in two Rakaat or four Rakaat units. The Intention for this Salaat is simply to intend that one is performing Tahajjud.
If one lacks the courage to get up late in the night then one should at least make an effort to perform four Rakaats with the Intention of Tahajjud after the two Sunnatul Muaq Qadah of Ishaa. Although the Reward will not be same as Tahajjud being performed in its proper time.
The Holy Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said that Tahajjud Salaat is a medium (i.e. a very great and efficacious medium) of gaining nearness to Allah. At the same time it is expiation for sins while it strengthens ones will power in the fight against the lowly nafs. Every Muslim should, therefore, make the greatest of effort, combat the laxity of the nafs and compel it to submit to the performance of this Salaat. Tahajjud is the time when the servant is closest to Allah.
There are no specific Surahs to be recited in this Salaat. Any Surah may be recited in any Rakaat. The practice of fixing Surah Ikhlas for the Tahajjud Salaat is contrary to the Sunnah and should not be adhered to.
Salaat ul Tauba consists of two Rakaats, which should be performed after one has committed a sin. After performing these two Rakaats one should raise ones hands sincerely and humbly in Dua and repent abundantly.
This Salaat is performed when one is in need or in difficulty. The Holy Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said that whoever is in need of something should make a perfect Wudu (i.e. observing all the rules of Ablution) and perform two Rakaats Salaat. After the Salaat recite the praises of Allah and recite Durood. One may recite any amount and any formula of praises - Tahmeed and Tasbeeh - as well as any amount of Durood. Thereafter make a fervent Dua for the fulfilment of the need. This Salaat is called "Salaat ul Hajaat".
(Subhaanallaahe Walhamdulillaahe Walaa Ilaaha Illallaaho Wallaaho Akbar. Wa Laa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billaahil aliyyil Azeem.)
Glory to be Thee my Allah, and Praise to Thee my Allah, and there is no god same Allah and Allah is great. There is no strength or power except from Allah, the High, the Majestic.
(La-illaha Illah Anta Subhan-ka Ini-kuntum Min-al Zaleemin)
O Allah! There is none worthy of worship besides you. You are pure. Definitely I oppressed my soul by sinning.
(Allah-humma Ina-ka Afwo-an Tuhib-ul Afwoa Fa-afwo Annee)
O Allah! You are the most forgiving, You love forgiving, thus forgive me
The Holy Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said to his uncle, Abbas Bin Abdul Muttalib:
"O Abbas! O my uncle! Should I present to you a gift? Should I bestow something to you? Should I inform you of something greatly beneficial? Should I show you such an act which, if you render it, Allah will forgive all your sins - old and new, those committed in error and those committed deliberately, sins committed publicly or privately? That act is to perform four Rakaats (Salaat Tasbeeh).
After this, the Holy Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) taught him the way of performing this Salaat, he said:
"If possible, perform this Salaat daily; if you are unable then perform it once a week! If you are unable then perform it once a month; if you are unable, then perform it once a year and if you are unable to do even this, then perform it at least once in your whole lifetime."
This Salaat consists of four Rakaats. It is called "Salaat ul Tasbeeh" because the following Tasbeeh is recited repeatedly in this Salaat:
(Subhaanallaahe Walhamdulillaahe Walaa Ilaaha Illallaaho Wallaaho Akbar. Wa Laa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billaahil aliyyil Azeem.)
Glory to be Thee my Allah, and Praise to Thee my Allah, and there is no god same Allah and Allah is great. There is no strength or power except from Allah, the High, the Majestic.
The above Tasbeeh is recited three hundred times in Salaat ul Tasbeeh.
There are two ways in which this Salaat may be performed.
The First Method
First Rakaat: After reciting Surah Fatiha and a Surah, remain standing and recite the Tasbeeh 15 times. Make Ruku. After the normal Ruku Tasbeeh (i.e. Subhaana-Rabbiyal-Azeem 3 times) recite the above Tasbeeh 10 times. After Ruku, recite the Tasbeeh 10 times in Qauma (i.e. the standing position after Ruku). In Sajda recite the Tasbeeh 10 times after the normal Sajda Tasbeeh (i.e. Subhaana-Rabbiyal-Aalaa 3 times.) In jalsah (i.e. the sitting position between two Sajdas) recite the Tasbeeh 10 times. In the second Sajda recite the Tasbeeh 10 times after the normal Sajda Tasbeeh. After the second Sajda do not stand up immediately. Sit and recite the Tasbeeh 10 times. Thereafter commence the second Rakaat.
The Tasbeeh is recited 75 times in one Rakaat as outlined above. The same procedure will be followed in every Rakaat. The total Tasbeeh recited will thus be 300.
The Second Method
In this method also 300 Tasbeeh are recited. The only difference is that the Tasbeeh will be recited 15 times after Sana but before Surah Fatiha. After having recited a Surah, the Tasbeeh will be recited 10 times. After the second Sajda of every Rakaat the Tasbeeh will not be recited 10 times as is the case in the first method.
The following table will assist you in grasping the occasions when the Tasbeeh has to be recited.
After Qiraaat but before Ruku In Ruku In Qauma In first Sajda In Jalsah In Second Sajda After Second Sajda while sitting |
15 10 10 10 10 10 10 |
After Sana, but before Qiraaat After Qiraaat In Ruku In Qauma In first Sajda In Jalsah In second Sajda After Second Sajda Tasbeeh is not recited in sitting position |
15 10 10 10 10 10 10 |
Total |
75 |
Total |
75 |
In the second method the Tasbeeh will not be recited before Tashah-hud in the second and fourth Rakaat.
"Istikhaarah" means to seek goodness. Here it means the way of seeking advice and goodness from Allah. Salaat ul Istikhaarah consists of two Rakaats. When one intends to embark on any project, e.g. trade, journey, marriage, etc. then one should seek the advice of Allah, and make Dua for protection and goodness. According to the Hadith of our Holy Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) it is only an unfortunate person who fails to seek the aid, advice and goodness of Allah when intending to embark upon something. The Hadith has exhorted much the observance of Salaat ul Istikhaarah. InshaAllah, you will not regret if you make this Salaat and only thereafter decide whether to proceed with the intended project or cancel it.
Salaat ul Istikhaarah consists of two Rakaats. This Salaat is performed at night just before going to bed. Once the Salaat has been performed, go to bed immediately. Do not indulge in any activity after Salaat ul Istikhaarah. Recite any Surah in these Rakaats. It is performed as any other Nafil Salaat. After the Salaat make a fervent Dua, with much concentration. The Dua, which should be recited after this Salaat, is as follows:
(Allahumma Innee Astakheeruka Bi Ilmika Wa Astaqdiruka Biqudrateka Wa As-aloka Min Fadhli-kal Azeem. Fa Innaka Taqderu Walaa Aqderu Wa Talamu Wala Aalamo-wa Anta Allaamul Ghoyoob. Allahumma Innee Kunto Talamu Anna Haa Zal Amr Khayrul Lee Fee Deenee. Wa Ma-aashee Wa Aaqebate Amree. Faqdurhu Lee Wa Yassirho Lee Thumma Baarik Lee Feehee. Wa Inkunta Talamu Anna Haazal Amr Sharroon Lee Fee Deenee Wa Maa aashee Wa Aaqebate Amree. Fa'srifhu Annee Wa srifnee Anhu. Wa-qdor Liyal-khayra Haytho Kana Thumma Ardhinee Bihi.
O Allah! Behold I ask You the good through Your Knowledge, and ability through Your Power, and beg (Your favour) our of Your infinite Bounty. For surely You have Power: I have none. You know all; I know not. You are the Great Knower of all things unseen.
O Allah! If in Your Knowledge this matter be good for my faith, for my livelihood, and for the consequences of my affairs, then ordain it for me, and make it easy for me, and bless me therein.
But if in Your Knowledge this matter be bad for my faith, for my livelihood, and for the consequences of my affairs, then turn it away from me, and turn me away therefrom, and ordain for me the good wherever it be, and cause me to be pleased therewith.
Salaat ul Istisqaa (Salaat for rain to end draught)
Two Rakaats will be performed in Jamaat. Salaat ul Istisqaa has neither Azan nor Iqaamat. The Imam will recite the Qiraaat audibly (jahr). The Imam will thereafter recite two Khutbas as on the Day of Eid. After the Khutbas the Imam will stand and face the Qiblah. He will raise his hands and petition Allah for rain. All those present should also make Dua for rain.
This procedure of Salaat should be repeated for three consecutive days. Salaat ul Istisqaa should not be performed for more than three days.
O Allah! Give us rain, abundant, wide-spread, producing herbage, benefiting without doing injury, in haste without delay.
Taraaweeh is the special Salaat, which the Shariah has ordained for the month of Ramadan. Taraaweeh Salaat consists of twenty Rakaats and its performance is Sunnatul Muaq Qadah. It has to be performed each night during the month of Ramadan. Deliberate omission of Taraaweeh Salaat is sinful.
Traditionally the whole of Holy Quran is recited by Hafiz of Holy Quran.
Taraaweeh Salaat commences on the first night of Ramadan and ends on the last night of Ramadan.
The most preferable method is to perform Taraaweeh in units of two Rakaats. Taraaweeh Salaat is performed in Jamaat for males after the Ishaa Fardh and Sunnatul Muaq Qadah, but before the Witr Salaat (with females in segregated sections or behind the male congregation).
Intention of "Taraaweeh" or just "Sunnat" should be made, e.g. say:
"I am performing two Rakaats Taraaweeh (or Sunnat) behind this Imam."
There is no specific intention formula to recite. The intention may be made by uttering it verbally or merely making the intention in the heart.
After every four Rakaats there will follow a pause which should preferably last as long as it would take to perform four Rakaats Salaat. However, it is permissible to shorten the pause. During this interval, which is known as "Taraweehah", everyone should engage in some form of Dhikr, e.g. Dhikr, Tasbeeh, Istighfaar, Durood, etc. The Dhikr during the Taraweehah (the pause after every four Rakaats) is to be made individually and silently. The Shariah has not ordered any specific and collective form of Dhikr for the Taraweehah (pause).
After the twenty Rakaats Taraaweeh Salaat have been completed, a collective Dua will be made silently. After the Dua, the Witr Salaat will be made in Jamaat.
It is Sunnatul Muaq Qadah to complete the recitation of the whole Quran once during Taraaweeh of the whole month of Ramadan. If a Hafiz of Quran is not available, the Taraaweeh could be performed by reciting any Surah or verses of the Quran.
Questions Pertaining to Taraaweeh Salaat
(Bis-Millah-Hir Rahmanir-Raheem)
In the Name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful
should be recited once aloud in the beginning of some Surah so that the Quran is properly completed. If this is not done, the recitation will not be complete, but will be one verse less.
On the way to join the congregation, recite Takbeer Tashreek silently for Eid ul Fitr and recite loudly for Eid ul Dhuha.
(Allahu-akbar Allahu-akbar Laa-ilaaha Il-lal-laa-hu Wal-laa-hu Akbar Allahu Akbar Wa-lil-laa-hil Hamd.)
Allah is great. Allah is great. There is no one worthy of worship besides Allah and Allah is Greatest and all praises is for Allah.
How to Perform the Eid Salaat?
"I intend to perform two Rakaats Eid ul Fitr (or Eid ud Dhuha) Salaat with six Wajib Takbeers behind this Imam."
What to do When Joining the Eid Salaat After it has Already Begun?
The Holy Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said:
"Whoever adheres to my Sunnah at the time of the corruption of my Ummah, will obtain the reward of a hundred martyrs."
The above Hadith of the Holy Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) as well as many others inform us of the great Reward and merit in reviving the Sunnah practices of Islam. It is obligatory upon Muslims to accord special attention to the restoration of forgotten and lost, practices of our Holy Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace). One such lost and forgotten practice of Islam is the performance of the Eid Salaat in the Eid Gah.
The Shariah commands that the Eid Salaat be performed in an open field near the outskirts of the town or city. The regular practiae of the Holy Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), the Companions and all the great learned men of Islam as well as of the Ummah down the corridor of the centuries of Islamic history was to perform Eid Salaat in a open field. In the books of Islam it is recorded:
"The Holy Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) used to perform the Salaat of both Eids at a place in the open plain outside Madinah". (Ibn Hajar)
"The basis and proof for this is that, verily, the Holy Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) would go out to the Musallaa. He did not perform the Eid Salaat in his Mosque (i.e. Masjid-e-Nabawee) despite the elevated rank of his Mosque, excepting on one occasion because of rain".
Salaat ul Janaazah (The Funeral Salaat)
To recite "Allaho-Akbar" four times.
Qiyaam - to perform Funeral Salaat standing.
There is no Ruku, Sajda, etc. in Salaat ul Janaazah.
How to Perform Salaat ul Janaazah?
The Mayyit should be placed in front with head on right and legs on left side the Imam standing in line with the Mayyits breast. It is Mustahab to form three rows behind the Imam. If there are only seven people - one of them being the Imam - three should stand in the first row, two in the second row and one in the third row.
The following Intention is then recited (or an intention is made in the mind):
(Nawaitu an Uaddiya Lillahi Taala Arbaa Takbirati Salat-il-janazati athanau Lillahi Taala was-salatu-lir Rasooli Wadduau lihadh-il-mayyiti (au lihadh-il-mayyiti-if the deceased is a female), Iqtadaitu bihadh-al-imami Mutawaj-jihan il-ila-jihatil Kaabati Sharifah)
I make Intention for performing four Takbeer Salaat-e-Janaazah for Allah, for Durood upon Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) and for Dua for the Mayyit, behind Imam and facing the Qiblah.
(Sub-hana-kal-laa-humma Wa Bi-hamdi-ka Wa Ta-baa-rakas-muka Wa Ta-aala Jad-du-ka Wa Jalla Sanaaoka Wa Laa-ilaa-ha Ghay-ruk)
Glory unto You, O Allah! All Praise unto You. Blessed is Your Name and Most High is Your Majesty shining with glory. There is none worthy of worship but You.
After Sana, recite again 'Allaho-Akbar' once, but do not raise the hands. After this Takbeer recite Durood-e-Ibrahim.
(Allahumma Salli Ala Muhammadin Wa-ala Aali Muhammadin Kama Sal-laita Ala Ibrahima Wa-ala Aali Ibrahima In-naka Hamidum-Majeed.
Allahumma Barik ala Muhammadin Wa-ala Aali Muhammadin Kama Barak-ta Ala Ibrahima Wa Ala Aali Ibrahima In-naka Hamidum-majeed.)
Oh Allah! Shower Thy mercy on Muhammad and on his seeds as Thou hast sent Thy mercy on Ibrahim and his seeds. No doubt! Thou art Great and Praiseworthy! Oh Allah! Send Thy blessings on Muhammad and on his seeds as Thou hast blessed Ibrahim and his seeds. No doubt! Thou art Great and Praiseworthy.
After Durood-e-Ibrahim recite "Allaho-Akbar" again once (but do not raise the hands), and recite a Dua for the Mayyit. If the Mayyit is a baaligh (of age) male or female recite the following Dua:
(Allahummagh-fir-li Haiy-yina Wa Mait-yiti-na Wa Sha-hidi-na Wa gha-ibi-na Wa Sagheer-rina Wa Kabee-rina Wa Zaka-rina Wa Un-sana Alla- humma Man Ah-yai-ta-hu Min-na Fa-ah-yihi A-lal Islam Wa Man Tawaffai-tahu Min-na Fatawaf-fahu Alal Imaan.)
Oh Allah, forgive our living and dead, present and absent, big and small, men and women. Oh Allah whoever among us, is kept alive, by Thee, be kept alive on the path of Islam and whomever Thou cause to die let them die as believers.
If the deceased is a Na-baaligh (under age) boy, recite:
(Allahummaj-al-hu Lana Faratau Waj-al-hu Lana Aj-rau Wa-zukhrau Waj-al-hu Lana Sha-fi-au Wa Mushaf-fa-a.)
Oh Allah, make this child a source of our salvation and the pain of his parting a source of reward and benefits for us. Make him a recommendation for us and the recommendation, which Thou hast accepted.
If a Na-baaligh girl; recite the same Dua as for a Na-baaligh boy but recite on all the three places "Aj-Alhu Lana"
(Sha-fi-atau Wa Mushaf-fa-ath)
Instead of
(Sha-fi-au Wa Mushaf-fa-a)
After the Dua, recite again once "Allaho-Akbar". Again do not raise the hands. After this fourth Takbeer make the Salaams as is done in other Salaats by looking at each shoulder and saying Assalamo-alaikum wa rahmatullah.