The Obligatory (Fardh) Constituents

There are six parts of Salaat, which are Fardh. If any of the Fardh constituents is not carried out the Salaat is null and void- irrespective of whether it has been missed out intentionally or unintentionally.

The six Fardh constituents of Salaat are:

  1. Takbeer Tahreemah
  2. Qiyaam
  3. Qiraat
  4. Ruku
  5. Sajda
  6. Qad’ah Akhirah

(i) Takbeer Tahreemah, viz. After making Intention for the Salaat to say:


Allah is Great

(ii) Qiyaam. The posture of standing during, which the Qiraat is recited.

(iii) Qiraat. To recite some verses of the Holy Qur’an.

(iv) Ruku. The posture of bowing down.

(v) Sajda. The posture of prostrating.

(vi) Qad’ah Akhirah. The Final sitting posture in the last Raka’at of any Salaat. This sitting is Fardh          to the extent of the duration of Tashah-hud.

If any of the Fardh constituents are left out or not full-filled, the Salaat is rendered void. The Salaat in such a case must be performed again.

Sunnat and Nafil Salaat

The Obligatory (Wajib) Constituents

The following parts of the Salaat are Wajib:

Its recitation individually or its audition in congregation.

To fulfil the various constituent parts (i.e. the Fardh and Wajib parts) in their appropriate order as described in the section dealing with the method of performing the Salaat.

To sit after every two Raka’ats - duration of the Qad’ah is the time taken to recite the Tash-hud.

To recite Tashah-hud in every Qad’ah.

To recite Dua-e-Qunoot in the Third Raka’at of Witr Salaat.

To stand erect after the Ruku before going into Sajda.

To offer the Salaam (to the angel on each shoulder).

If the Namazi omits any of the Wajib constituents the error must be rectified by the performance of Sajda-us-Sahw.

All other parts of the Salaat, besides the Fardh and Wajib constituents, are Sunnat and Mustahab. The Namazi should strictly adhere to all the Sunnat and Mustahab factors of Salaat. He should not omit any of these without good reason. However, no Sajda-us-Sahw is performed if any of the Sunnat and Mustahab factors are omitted.